Welcome to the Investors Trading Academy talking glossary of financial terms and events. Our word of the day is “Algorithm trading” Algorithm trading is a system of trading which facilitates transaction decision making in the financial markets using advanced mathematical tools. A trading system that utilizes very advanced mathematical models for making transaction decisions in the financial markets. The strict rules built into the model attempt to determine the optimal time for an order to be placed that will cause the least amount of impact on a stock's price. Large blocks of shares are usually purchased by dividing the large share block into smaller lots and allowing the complex algorithms to decide when the smaller blocks are to be purchased. In this type of a system, the need for a human trader's intervention is minimized and thus the decision making is very quick. This enables the system to take advantage of any profit making opportunities arising in the market much before a human trader can even spot them. As the large institutional investors deal in a large amount of shares, they are the ones who make a large use of algorithmic trading.
It is also popular by the terms of algo trading, black box trading, etc. and is highly technology-driven. It has become increasingly popular over the last few years. .
Barry Norman, ITA, Finance Education, Analysis, How to Trade, Make Money, Finance Words, Finance Vocabulary, Understanding Finance, ITA Finance Education, Stock Market, Futures, Investment, Economy, Trading, News, Technical, Options, Academy, Talking Financial Glossary, Major Economic Events, This Week on Finance, Economic Channel, Economic News, Person of The Week, Educational Classes, ITA.academy, Forex, Stocks, Algo Trading, Algorithm trading, Algorithmic Trading
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